Thursday 4 December 2008


One upon a time, there was a story of a princess in West Java called
Dayang Sumbi. She had a boy that called Sangkuriang. The child was
referred as very fond of hunting, he hunted accompanied by Tumang, The
dog became palace likely. Sangkuriang did not kwnon, exactly the dog
was god and also his father .
At one particular day Tumang did
not want to follow his order to pursue hunting animal. Then dog was
referred as the dissipated of into the forest. When return to the
palace, Sangkuriang told that occurence at his mother. Unbelievable
angry , Dayang Sumbi when she hear that story. Without intentionally
she broke Sangkuriang head by a ice spoon. Sangkuriang injured.
Crestfallen He and went wander

that occurenced, Dayang Sumbi so regreted her self. She always prayed
and very assiduous do penance. At a one moment, gods gave hers a
present. She will forever young and have eternal beauty. After for
years wander, Sangkuriang finally intended to return to the home town.
When he came there, that empire had blew hot and cold. There found a
pretty girl, called Dayang Sumbi. Then fascinated by woman beauty
referred as , Sangkuriang appled for it. Because of that young man very
looker, Dayang Sumbi also very fascinated to him.
One day
Sangkuriang asked to take leave to hunt. He asked help Dayang Sumbi to
neaten his headband. What surprised Dayang Sumbi when saw ex hurt lead
his husband candidate. That Hurt very similar to her sun’s hurt that
has went abroad. In a moment, in the reality that young man face as
like as two peas with her sun face. She becames affraid. Then, she
loked all kinds of efforts searching to discomfit process that
applying. she raises two requirement units. First, she asked that young
man to barricade Citarum river. And the second, she asksed Sangkuriang
to make a big boat to across that river. The two requirement has been
fulfilled before the peep of day.
At the night Sangkuriang
conducted asceticism. With his miracle he conscripts occulted creatures
to help finish that job. Dayang Sumbi also in secrecy
peepedSangkuriang’s job was referred as. So , that job can be finished.
Dayang Sumbi command her team to performed cloth red at the east city.
When witness colour pressed out in the east city, Sangkuriang predicted
already toward the morning. He also desisted his job. Cheaped as dirt
He in consequence, that mean he can not be up to standard that Dayang
Sumbi asked.
With his strengthly, he destroyed the barrage. Happen
deluge knocked overs city wide. Then He also kick the big boat that he
made. That boat floated and fall became a mount that called "Tangkuban

source: Sangkuriang from www.e-smartschool
translatted by Krisna Damayanti

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